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Against the odds

Several months ago one of the mothers in our program gave birth to an infant with a life threatening disability. Without surgery, we were told by the doctors that he would not survive. Even with surgical intervention, according to the surgeon, he would only have a 10% chance to survive the surgery. Against all odds, Mother’s Heart staff began praying immediately for a miracle.

Not only did he survive the surgery, but his recovery was beyond everyone’s expectations. He had no complications during surgery, his recovery was quick, and he did not develop any post-surgical complications. He is an amazing testimony to our staff and we are so thankful.

The mother still has a long road ahead in caring for a child with both physical and mental special needs. We are always surprised, however, by the courage and strength of the women in our program as well as the hard choices they face daily. It is a privilege to support and partner with them

Mom has recently begun vocational skills training which will increase her opportunity to gain access to a higher paying job. The baby is attending Mother’s Heart’s daycare (Little Lambs) and is thriving well in the program. This month, an occupational therapist from Australia dedicated her week to come to Cambodia in order to educate the daycare staff and the mom on physical training exercises for the baby to help improve his mobility.

We want to say a special thanks as well to ACCIR(Australian Christian Churches International Relief) for the “One Day Funds” campaign which funded this life saving surgery!

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