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AM: Unexpected Crises, PM: Overwhelming Support

Rocking the baby, his breaths slow, irregular, a terrified grandmother held him tightly in her arms as his mom explained how he fell two meters down the stairs after an electrical fire erupted in their neighborhood. As I walked into this crisis with the Mother’s Heart staff, I saw their unconditional care and support open up in front of me. Using their professional experience and training, they assessed the situation and suggested that the mother and grandmother immediately take the baby to the children’s hospital. Accompanied by members of the Mother's Heart team, the family was quickly taken for emergency help.

After learning about the services that Mother's Heart provides (counseling and pregnancy support) and hearing the terrifying truth that one-in-five women have unwanted or unplanned pregnancies in Cambodia, the need for support for these women was heartbreakingly clear for me. Mother's Heart’s system for offering an awareness of options during pregnancy and for providing support was organized and effective. It is evident that they have developed programming that works, which was highlighted further by the number of stories they shared of women who were empowered through securing jobs, reconnecting with families, choosing to leave abusive relationships, and being positive parents to their children.

I saw this for myself as I visited a few of the mothers with newborns and one soon-to-be mother. I cannot explain how amazed I was with how much positive help Mother’s Heart offers. From counseling to medical support to living and baby supplies, to housing, transport, and after birth care, they do not ignore any potential needs. Gosh, I want to have my future babies under Mother’s Heart support! Each woman was overwhelmingly grateful to have Mother’s Heart by their side throughout it all, helping them stand on their own two feet.

And the baby who fell? He sustained no serious injuries and soon recovered from his fall! If I was looking for confirmation of the organization's impact on the women and families that it supports, I absolutely gained that today.

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