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Moving to a new location

It's 4 days before #GivingTuesday but we are starting ahead. Yesterday, Mother's Heart staff dedicated the whole morning and part of the afternoon to help the Little Lambs Day Care in moving things to the new location.

It was a busy but fun time. One team was transporting boxes and boxes of stuff out of the old day care centre to the new one. Another team was cleaning and tidying the new place. Everybody pitching in made the task lighter, faster, and we feel more connected to one another. We are already looking forward to the opening of the day care on Monday!

There are so many ways to get involved and give back to your community - help a neighbour, give time to share your skills and expertise, give to a charity or causes like Mother's Heart, or you can also help spread the #GivingTuesday movement by sharing on your social media! Don't forget, it's #GivingTuesday on Dec. 1 and please support Mother's Heart.


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